Much gratitude should be expressed to all the participants of the community clean-up. What a successful event it was! Most of the poles and garbage cans along Haight Street from Masonic to Stanyan received a face lift. Stickers were removed from signs and the flyers on the poles came down to allow a fresh coat of paint to be applied. This was a wonderful opportunity for folks to get to know one another better. The picnic afterwards was a wonderful way to relax and socialize further.

I personally was riding a high after the event. So many different factions of the community had joined together to beautify the street. An amazing amount of work was accomplished. It was inspiring to see how much can be done when so many come together.
On Sunday morning, the street ,for the most part, had remained sparkling and pristine. What a welcome sight!
The idea was born after a panel presentation at the Booksmith about homeless youth. Karen Growney, a HAIA member, helped coordinate the cleanup with the help from DPW, Vallie Brown in Supervisor Mirkarimi's office, and the homeless youth service providers: HYA, Larkin Street, and Huckleberry House. Three neighborhood organizations, HAIA, CVIA, HANC, gave donations and assistance to the effort as well. A special thanks goes to Escape from NY for the donation of the delicious pizzas. The biggest "thank you" goes to all those who participated and helped.

There was a lot of enthusiasm for another community clean-up...perhaps in August. Stay tuned and involved.
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